CPD/Training Sessions

Training packages are available to introduce Early Years Practitioners to the 'Ready, Steady, Music!' (RSM) resource pack.
Courses are flexible and can be tailored to suit your needs. Online training sessions are also available
Elements covered are:-
A chance to explore the importance of music in the development of creative and confident learners.
An opportunity to learn about the impact of music on the development of essential language skills, physical coordination, and a sense of well-being.
The importance of musical play
An introduction to the structure of a 'RSM' music session and its links to the Early Years Foundation Stage/Foundation Phase Framework.
Expert guidance and coaching allowing you to run your own' RSM' sessions in a variety of settings.
Face-to-face training: £150 plus travel expenses plus cost of Resource Pack for each participant
Online training course: £70 for each nursery setting to one-year's use. 50-minute course in bite-size chunks which covers the same content as in person training. A Resource Pack must be purchased to accompany the course - £45
* PLEASE NOTE: Resource Packs can be discounted when bought in bulk for a group of settings in conjunction with booking a training course
Please contact Kath Davies for more details
07846 526509
Feedback from 'Ready, Steady, Music!' Course participants
'Very well organised. Kath provided resources that are very clear and easy to follow and implement in our setting. Looking forward to starting it!'
'Really well delivered! Informative, interesting and fun!'
'This course was excellent and gave me the confidence I need to deliver the sessions. I can't wait to use it!'
'It will ensure as a setting that we use music to develop all areas of learning'