Creating sound stories with young children is a great way to explore sound and enhance listening skills, creativity, and language development.
In this post, we will explore effective methods, fun activities, and practical tips for crafting simple sound stories with your mini musicians.
What Are Sound Stories?
Simply, a story that uses sound effects, environmental or instrumental sounds to enhance a story and help your mini musicians to actively participate in their learning.
We are all familiar with the classic story book 'We're going on a bear hunt' and I'm sure you have explored body percussion and vocalisation as you have swished through the grass and squelched through the mud. So how do we incorporate instruments and sound makers in our storytelling?
How to get started
Exploring and experimenting with sound is absolutely crucial!!
Just as children need to experiment with paints, mark making tools and all the wonderful variety of materials associated with the visual arts; exploring sound sources indoors and outdoors is essential.
Children can only make choices for a sound story when they have a rich experience of making sounds in their environment, listening to a wide range of music and an ability to begin to talk about sounds and describe them.
Ideas for exploration
Take 2 sticks outside and find out how many different sounds you can make - record the sounds and play them back.
Provide different musical experiences in your setting - a set of different sized drums and beaters or a basket of metal sounds or a washing line with saucepans, wind chimes and squeaky toys.
Be a musical partner - notice when the children are exploring sounds and join in (don't take over though!). Copy the sounds your learners make and then you could model different ways of playing an instrument. Start to talk about the sounds you are making together e.g.'Ooh that sounded a bit scary or which was your favourite sound?
Provide simple recording devices and encourage the children to 'collect' sounds inside and outside. Play a 'guess the sound' game.
When your young learners have explored a range of sound sources they will be ready to make choices. It really doesn't matter if they choose a sound that doesn't seem appropriate, just go along with it and respect their choices.
Ideas for simple sound stories
Use a familiar story and add body sounds, vocalisations and sound makers e.g. Three Little Pigs - explore the sounds of sticks, straw and bricks; make some scary sounds for the big bad wolf, make 'running away' sounds on your knees, SLAM the door.
Make a sound sequence using picture cards eg A Dinosaur's Day - hatching from an egg, finding his 'roar', stomping slow and fast, sleeping etc (if you would like a copy of the picture cards that I use then get in touch below.
Make a sound story using a simple chant eg 'Walking through the jungle, what did I see? A snappy crocodile looking at me!' - make choices for each animal and keep the steady beat on your knees as you walk through the jungle, you could also add a C and G drone played on desk bells (again I have a lovely set of picture cards for this story so get in touch if you would like them)
Creating sound stories with young children is not just a fun activity; it serves as a powerful learning experience that enhances listening, imagination, and language development.
So go on, why not give it a try!